Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Snowman With No Nose

Once on a cold and snowy winter, there was a snowman who lost his nose in the blizzard. He was determined to go to the supermarket the next day and find a new nose because he certainly couldn't go around NOSE-LESS!

The next day as he went to the fruit section he came upon a cherry. He put it on his icy face, took out his mirror and...
Decided that this nose was much too small and red. People will think I have a cold. He thought. So he plucked off the cherry and put it back with the others when he stumbled upon a pineapple. Ooooh what an interesting fruit! He thought.

The snowman picked up the pineapple and pounded it to his face. Suddenly he felt himself start to tip over when he came crashing down on marble-looking tile. "LIFE ALERT! LIFE ALERT!" he shouted, but no one could hear him because his mouth was made of coal. So he picked himself up ball by ball and took the pineapple off his face. " Okay," He said. "Onto plan B."

All of a sudden he saw a glimmer of orange. He ran over to that beautiful sparkle. "Yes!" he said. "Just what I was looking for all along! I didn't need a little red thing or a big ol' yellow thing. I just needed this...CARROT!" He delicately fingered the carrot as if it were about to break into a billion pieces. "I have found the one!" he said and went to checkout to pay $2.99 for his new, lovely, and STUNNING nose. " Now," he said " All I need is a hat."

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